If you have a payday or cash advance loan, you’re probably paying extremely high interest rates and fees. And if you have to roll over your loan and pay even higher fees for that privilege, you may be caught in a never-ending cycle that’s digging you deeper into debt.
That’s why Aurora Schools Federal Credit Union has developed the Quick Fix Loan. This smart alternative to payday lending helps you save more of your hard-earned money—and even start saving for your future.
An affordable, short-term loan
Unlike payday or cash advance loans, our Quick Fix Loan offers a longer, 90-day repayment term with lower fees and interest rates. Our Quick Fix Loan has a $20 application fee. And, you’ll pay only 18% APR*—that’s considerably less than the 450% effective interest rates you may be paying on a payday loan. Plus, you’ll have the flexibility of making monthly, bi- weekly, or weekly loan payments.
An easy way to save for the future
Best of all, our Quick Fix Loan features a built-in savings benefit. Upon approving your loan, an additional amount, equal to 10% of your loan, will be deposited into your savings account. You may not withdraw any portion of that deposit, or close your account, until the loan is paid off. Once you’ve paid off your loan, your deposit and the interest you’ve earned is yours!
Get back on track with FREE financial counseling
If you need assistance in getting out of debt or you just need advice on how to better manage your money, ASFCU can help by providing free financial counseling and expertise. We also offer free self-study courses online through FoolProof.
Stop paying high fees and interest rates to payday lenders and get a Quick Fix Loan. Applying is easy, and no credit check or collateral is required. For more details and an application, talk to your credit union representative today.
90-Day Repayment Term
Flexible Monthly, Bi-weekly, or Weekly Payments*
$20 Application Fee
$200 Minimum Loan
$570 Maximum Loan ($500 + $50 in Savings + $20 application fee)
18% Annual Percentage Rate (APR)
A Built-In Savings Benefit
Optional Financial Counseling
Why pay high fees and interest rates when there’s a better alternative? Get a Quick Fix Loan today! For more details and an application, contact ASFCU. We’re here for you!